Sensitivity Workshop

Video games, the world's leading entertainment industry, are a fantastic means of socialization and now, a user-friendly tool for raising awareness about disabilities.

une personne déficiente visuelle discutant
une personne valide et une PSH discutant jeux vidéo

An innovative activity

Are you looking to offer a unique and playful workshop to raise awareness about disabilities? Perfect for your CSR and disability inclusion initiatives.

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un groupe de PSH et de valides jouant aux jeux vidéo

Disability Awareness

Deliver a unique, enjoyable, and educational activity for your audience to gain a fresh perspective on disability

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deux étudiants travaillant sur un jeu vidéo

Training in Accessibility

To enhance the skills of your students, we offer you the opportunity to explore our workshop on digital accessibility for the visually impaired. And what better way to engage them than through a gaming-centered approach? We can also provide hands-on activities to enrich their curriculum

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illustration d'un programmeur

Enhance your team's expertise

Offer your teams an updated overview of accessibility in video games.

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une enfant jouant à un jeu vidéo à l'aveugle

The workshop includes demonstrations and active participation in video games that incorporate accessibility features for the visually impaired and blind. Participants gain insights into a new perspective on visual impairment, regardless of its cause (illness, aging, fatigue, accident), through a unique and engaging sensory experience guided by a visually impaired facilitator.

The workshop is in a stand format, covering PC games, smartphones, and tablets.

You'll find popular games like The Last of Us (action-adventure), Hearthstone (online collectible card battles), As Dusk Falls (interactive multiple-choice film), Sourcefable (narrative adventure written and coded by a blind individual), and a few others.

Demonstrations, hands-on experiences, and duels will be part of the program.

capture d'écran du jeu As dusk falls

As Dusk Falls

capture d'écran du jeu hearthstone


capture d'écran du jeu Firebird
capture d'écran du menu d'accessibilité Last of us
The last of us